Sustainability hub for reporting and market insights in grocery
ESGentle streamlines environmental reporting for producers and serves as an eco guide for retailers
Who we serve
Remove repetition in data collection and automate carbon accounting and report writing with AI
Grocery Marketplaces
Streamline consumer navigation with sustainability data on packaged products
Rising compliance enables emission data yet it doesn’t reach end customers
Time consuming and expensive reporting
Manual repetitive data tasks result in inefficiencies and cost businesses in compliance
Lack of visibility across the industry
Different countries favor different frameworks making compliance more complex
Complex compliance requirements
Poor collaboration makes it harder for companies to justify business value and decarbonize
Lack of consumer navigation in retail
Lack of eco guidance results in unrealized revenue both for producers and the marketplaces
We turn compliance into investment
Measure your performance in real-time against industry standards and peers
  • ESGentle standardized metrics, ensuring you can see how you stack up in a fair and balanced manner, fostering a culture of continuous improvement
  • With data integrity at its core, our benchmarking relies on verified sources and third-party audits
Increase sales by integrating sustainability data with marketplaces
  • ESGentle leverages advanced APIs to seamlessly feed sustainability data into various marketplace platforms, ensuring real-time updates and accuracy
  • It unifies presentation of eco-friendly attributes alongside product listings, making it easier for consumers to make informed decisions
Use AI to accelerate the ESG reporting process and make the cost a fraction of the current price
  • ESGentle allows companies to input their data into preconfigured metrics across frameworks (GRI, SASB, SFDR, UN SDGs and TCFD)
  • It streamlines the process, minimizes duplicate efforts, cuts down on human mistakes, and facilitates smoother compliance
Dedicated software to help you manage your sustainability data in grocery
Unlock effective stakeholder communication and win new business
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